The Bible has a lot to say about members in a church body caring about the needs and concerns of others in the church family.
At Northlight, we desire to create a unified culture of mutual care and love for one another.
Our church family desires to be friendly and welcoming. Before and after the services, you’ll find plenty of people to chat with and get to know. After the services, no one is in a hurry to leave. We love to stick around, enjoy conversations, share each others joys, and bear each others burdens.
Lord’s Supper
Christ commanded His followers to remember His death and look forward to His return through partaking in the Lord’s Supper (1 Co. 11:23-26). But, Christ had an additional goal in mind for the Lord’s Supper, the unity of His church (1 Co. 11:17-20). Before partaking in communion, Christ’s followers are commanded to examine themselves (1 Co. 11:28): to repent of any sin and to make right any relationships that need mending. Through the regular practice of communion, we desire not only to remember Christ’s death and coming return, but also, use it as a goad to mend relationships and maintain a unified church family.